Selasa, 07 April 2020

Verbatim: Furniture companies to produce hoods for caregivers

Ashley Homestores of Fort Wayne and Mishawaka and Homerooms Furniture & Mattress issued this news release today:

A group of local businesses are partnering up, to take the National Coronavirus Crisis head on to help their local communities, with the production of PAPR (Powered Air Purifying Respirator) Hoods for our frontline caregivers.

The Owners of the local retail Ashley Homestores of Ft. Wayne and Mishawaka & Homerooms Furniture & Mattress have partnered up with Brace Weiland the Founder of Transformations Furniture, a local manufacturer, to produce the high demand masks by sourcing and trucking over 10,000 yards of the needed fabric and materials from Pennsylvania back to Fort Wayne, where they will be able to manufacture an additional 30,000 protective hoods for those in our area.

The PAPR hoods are used to safeguard workers in contaminated environments and are specifically designed to provide healthcare professionals with superior respiratory protection against a range of infectious diseases.

Loren Klopfenstein, Owner of the Ft. Wayne Ashley Homestores and Homerooms Furniture & Mattress, commented, "When the opportunity to partner, presented itself we knew we had to do this for our Community. Our business is centered around people and families being comfortable and loving their homes. Safety of our community will help us all feel a little more comfortable in these uncertain times."

The Ashley Homestore/HomeRooms Truck picked up the material and made the long haul back to Fort Wayne on April 2nd to deliver the material for production to begin immediately of the PAPR Masks.  Both Companies are going above and beyond their normal operations at this time and are helping to support staying home and staying safe, during the state imposed Stay-at-Home order started on March 23rd, 2020.

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